Pine Cone Fossils
This fossilised Pine Cone is a truly fascinating oval shaped, white to grey and orange element of an ancient coniferous pine tree.
Pine cones are remarkable stuctures, as they serve as the reproductive organs of pine trees, though numerous other confierous trees also employ the use of similar cones. The more iconic woody design is a hallmark of femal cones, with male pine cones being somewhat different.
Despite their familiar appearance, these woodly pine cones are truly ancient in design, as pine trees first appeared in the late Jurassic, some 150 million years ago, though much of their design likely origianted even earlier, alongisde conifers some 300 million years ago.
These fossilized pine cones are amazing fossils, and a true testament to the ingenuity of plants across their evolutionary history.
Age: 70 Million Years Old, Cretaceous
Locatio: Morocco